Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Bog! :P

so..... my life is pretty awesome i have tons of friends and a brand new VERY expensive laptop and i luv it soooooo much.
a couple weeks back in P.E. we did a G.R.E.A.T. project with our deputy. we had to do a community service project,mine was good and thoughtful. my friend got in too. and we are going to room with my BFF from last year that i never ever see and its ashame because we were the best of freinds. i really hopes she will room with us instead of these other girls.
my family life is hard. i never see my family. i wake up at 6:15 in the morning and my dad takes me to school. i am there all day long. once i get home i am there alone but usually with my friends. it might be a while before my mom comes home and then she leaves for a meeting or something else like erons and once my dad gets home he makes dinner but then i usually go to bed and thats pretty much just a bit of time with them but i love them so i just put up with it. you might think its sad but its actually not. it brings me very close to my best friend. my brother. we fite wayyyyyy to much but we dont go to sleep upset.
but i am realllllllllly excited about Washington D.C. even though i already went and i hateddddd it but the fact is that i will be there with my friends and no parents. but the worst thing about the trip is.......

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